How to become a better runner?

I run 7-8 miles a day, two speed workouts a week(hills, ten 800s 400 jogs in between ect) than light benching(85 lbs) and take my brake on saturday and occasionally sunday also. I run the mile for my school im only a freshman and run 5:32.3 for my PR and also my only mile race so far. I want to focus on the mile the most meaning whatever the best thing i can do to improve my mile I will.


  • Do about 4-6 100m sprints after you run pretty much every day you run distance. It gets your body accustomed to running faster. Incorporating distances shorter than 1 mile will do the same, but it sounds like you're already doing that.

  • Focus on the food , and always start off slow in a long distance race, train out in a beach or in heavy grass and breath ! . Im experienced and trust me thats all you need to know to get fast at long distance .And do some workouts at home for fitness muscles like situps , pushups .

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