what do people mean when they say this?

You often hear young people say that when they get older they dont want to live a "typical" existence that everyone else has but that they want something more "real" or "meaningful". My question is what exactly is "real" or "meaningful" in terms of life and why do they consider the majority of people to not have achieved it? I mean how is what Joe Blow average does not "meaningful" and If Joe Blow average wants to become "real" what does he have to do to achieve it?


Ok but when u say "have some meaning" rather than just survive, define what "meaning" is how does Joe Blow lack meaning and where can u find it?


  • it varies with each person.

    to some its social work with the poor and to others it is adventure such as sailing across the ocean in a small family craft.

  • Most people are consumers. A consumer weighs their own self worth by the sum of their possessions. That life is meaningful to the producers and sellers of those things. But the things themselves have no real meaning. In the case of this "real" saying, material things are not real.

  • I think when people say they want a "meaningful" rather than a "typical" life they are talking about purpose. They see a typical life's purpose as the accumulation of wealth, possessions, and security. In contrast, they would like to find a different purpose which focuses on whatever is most important to them (presumably not wealth, possessions, or security).

    Whatever that purpose might be, it seems like those who truly find it are both selfish and selfless -- completely consumed with living their lives and completely generous in sharing that multiplying enthusiasm with others. Wealth may be a welcome byproduct, but its importance is secondary to recognition of and dedication to their discovered purpose.

  • It means you want more from life than to simply survive from day to day or year to year. Mostly what Average Joe Blow does is survive.

    It means you want your life to mean something, or to stand for something important. What that meaning is, depends on you and what you choose to stand for in life.

  • Behind the curtain of your intellect and emotions is your self-image or ego.... The ego is not your real self; it is the image of yourself that you have slowly built over time..... It is the mask behind which you hide, but not the real you...... It is a fraud, who lives in fear.....The ego is the prison you have built around yourself, and now it holds you captive within its walls....you want to break from it....You break free by choosing to identify with your inner self, the real you.

  • It means you want more out of your life than a boring existence.

  • everyone(almost) wants to be special, they just have desires, but to desire you put yourself up for dissapointment if that desire is not fulfilled.

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