How Many Hairs Does a Cat Have?

You're average non pedigree shorthair.

How many in total on their whole body?


  • Hold on I will go count............

    Oh boy, This is going to take a while, Anyone have a band-aid.......

    Sorry.... I lost count, I will have to start over.


  • That would still depend on the type/breed of cat. This cannot be determined. All fur is hair, but not all hair is fur. Hair is refered to as indvidual, the short downy stuff that is on the Sphynx. When I think of "cat hair" I think of individual, as in the cat hair falling off and shedding from your cat. There again, this question is far too broad to determine, since consistant 'hair' is shedding from the non pedigree shorthair each and every day. Never consistant. Cats have from one to three types of hair sometimes called double coat or triple coat plus whiskers. If one took the time to actually count them, the number would never be the same.

  • 30-50 million on your average cat

  • Mousands and Mousands

  • Just a second and let me go count. haha.

    Jk lol.


  • why don't u go count

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