porno addiction?

help! i have a porno addiction i look at it everyday now and i ejaculate almost everyday twice or so 1. is this normal? 2. what can i do to stop myself from doing this to go back to normal pornographic viewing? 3. what is the normal time that a guy spends on porn a week? thanks all


  • Who sais you are addicted?

    Is it causing financial burden?

    Problems at work?

    Are you chosing porn over time with friends and family?

    If none of these apply, I would not worry about it.

  • To answer your questions....

    1 - Well it's mostly normal, probably a bit more than what most people would do, but there is nothing abnormal about looking at porn, as long as you still enjoy it, and take it for what it is. That is you can tell it is just fantasy and not what real life is like.

    2 - Well to stop yourself you need to find something else that will take up the time you would normally be watching porn. Start a different sport, or lift weights or something. Those seem to be popular options.

    3 - Some guys watch it 5 or 6 times a week, some watch it once or twice, and some don't ever watch porn. It's such an individual thing, its hard to give you a straight answer. As long as it doesn't interfere with your everyday life, then its fine, as soon as it interferes with your everyday life then you need to put in some effort to stop it from taking over.

  • Like every addiction you need to just stop. Find yourself a way to ocupie yourself and keep busy. You say it happens when you are doing homework. Rather then doing so much homework take a break every now and then and go talk to someone or hang out in a common room. You will not want to masturbate in front of people. The best way to cure addiction is to keep yourself out of the circumstances where you can go through with your addiction. You'd be surprised how many have this addiction. I really hope this helped in some way, if not send me an e-mail with more information or feel free to ask questions. I am online most of the day. Best of Luck ArcFault

  • lol, yea it's normal, we're guys we get horny. If you feal it's becoming a problem just try to do other things in life. Get out of the house more, hang out with friends or do something else for a while. It's ok to look at porn and stuff once or twice a day but if you do like 6 times a day you have a problem

  • 1) It seems a little obsessive. You need to spend more time socialising.

    2) You need to spend more time socialising.

    3) Once in a while for entertainment is a reasonable approach to take. Try not to watch porn alone and see if that helps your addiction.

  • it is normal to watch porno and ejaculate from it but the addiction is bad.

    u need to find something to keen u buzy like sports or answer people question all day or something that how i'm stopping.

    how ever many hour u wantto look at it!

  • it depends on your age. if you're younger and moreso experimenting, then its fine. Try to get in a relationship and experiment with someone. Then it should stop. If your so addicted that you blow off friends and stuff to look at it, then its a problem. But i no a lot of guys who rn't really addicted but still look at it just as much as u do when they have opportunities

  • watching with someone else seems good, watching it a few times a week sounds good too

    this is normal depeding on your sexual drive

    im a girl, so idk about how much a guy does, but my time is very limited sense i got my mom to go around (she doenst know i have anything whatsoever), and for me it depends on if i get new material or not - im getting sick of my selection right now

  • You shouldn't really have a need to look at pron. You may have s horney sensation that may want to may you jerk, but other than that don't make yourself look at porn because you have nothing better to do.

  • i only look i want to get off. so i guess it would be about 4 times a day

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