Dell computer fan: Do I need to clean it?

Sometimes it comes on and roars until I shut down my PC. Sometimes it takes 3 hours to go loud (it's on, just not loud.) sometimes it doesn't go on for days/weeks.

I've never used compressed air on my Laptop. Never. I've never even cleaned it for the 3 years I've had it. So, does it need to be cleaned?


  • Well if you believe your fan is not working or isn't coming on when it is supposed to, I would definitely have the internal fan replaced. If not this can actually cause your laptop to overheat and can even melt the internal hardware which could cause a fire. If your fan is working but is just loud this is a sign that it needs to be tightened or replaced but regardless of those aspects I would still definitely clean it out I would take it to a professional since a laptop is harder to put back together than a normal PC. It is best to dust out a laptop with canned air only as dust and other garbage builds up it will ruin the fan and make it harder for air circulation.

  • Personally I would. A build up of dust on computer fans can reduce their performance and can cause problems cooling the computer down, eventually over heating the computer. If the computer over heats it can lead to other, more serious problems, such as a hard drive crash.

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