Who is the person in charge of Yahoo and what is the e-mail of that person?


We would like to be able to express our opinions, one way or another to a person in charge who will actully read and respond to our individual mails with out using a fourm or bot, and it must be some one with the athority to actully do something about what we write. I searched the listings, and you either get an automatic fourm letter, an automatic responderbot, or a bullitan board no one seems to read. What we need is a direct line to the top. If tat line is answered by a delagated subtitute person due to volume, than the delagated substitute needs absolutely all of the athority and power of the top person, all of the time, so that changes and adjustments can be made. I work in retail, there is no worse feeling than telling a customer that you can do nothing to help them due to not having that authority, especially when the customer is right, and there is no way to put them in touch with someone who can give them satisfaction.


  • The US Senate on Foreign relations has gotten the direct attention of all the Yahoo Executives by investigating Human Rights Abuses in the People's Republic of China. Yahoo is also being sued by these four Chinese citizens that Yahoo turned into the Chinese Secret Police.

    Why not look up on Google the names of the Founders of Yahoo! Inc, and I doubt that you can reach them through the Yahoo email network, but sending a Certified Letter by way of snail mail should get delivered to them. Getting a reply from Yahoo is not an option, unless, your a US government agency investigating them, or a lawfirm that is sueing them, then, just maybe, you might get a reply from their legal department, but not the well insulated Yahoo Executive Staff,

    They are much too busy now trying to figure out what the h*ll they are going to tell the Senate Investigators.

  • Why not just post your questions here rather than for someone at Yahoo! to personally answer questions. He might just end up with hundreds of millions of questions, which will just eventually be deleted.

  • The President and CEO of Yahoo is James Yahoo.

    You can send email to [email protected]

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