I need a good workout schedule for volleyball conditioning?

I am 15, I want to try out for volleyball so I have to get back in shape. What I really need is endurance, because I don't have much ... So can anyone help me?


  • plenty of suicides, pushups, pullups, weightlifting, jogging, jump roping and crunches. practice against a wall, bumping, setting hitting and even serving.

    eat well, non-fatty and you'll be ready in no time. you don't have to do every thing i listed, just do like one or 2 of those a day.

  • ok i am going to be 15 in a few days. & i have a volleyball work out schedule.

    for endurance. try sprinting 40yds. three times a week.


    try 30 push ups, 5 times a week.

    try 60 sit ups, 5 time s week.

    try 15 block jumps. i would say three times a week.

    try wall sits for 1 min. 3 times a week.

    other then that all i can remember at the moment is three times a week do 30mins of your choice. so it could be trampoline, jogging, swimming, bumping the ball, anything that would help. i hope i helped a little!

  • I play college volleyball in North Carolina and we do a lot of conditioning. I would try to do lunges, squats, block jumps and running a mile 3-4 times a week. You should also get with someone who has played before to who you the proper technique for hitting, serving, and passing. Good luck to you!

  • varsity coach told me this

    12 minutes jump rope

    200-500 sit ups a day

    at LEAST 20 push ups a day

    100 squat jumps

    100 lunge jumps



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