Question regarding my Profile Picture in Facebook?

I DON'T want people who aren't in my friendlist to see my profile picture so I changed my settings. But does that mean people I friend requested (and they haven't accepted yet) won't see my picture either?

Also, if I don't want a couple of people in friendlist to see my pro-pic, how would I do that?



  • First question, no. Until they accept you as a friend, the regular settings for people who aren't your friends will apply. If and when they do accept you, they can.

    Second question. Go to 'Settings' then 'Privacy' then 'Profile' and your photos should be there, with an option. You can click on Nobody.

  • I don't know about the first one, but I think they won't see it.

    for the 2nd one, you can't keep them from seeing your profile picture but you can block them.

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