Better/harder/stronger ab excersizes?!?!?

I used to do like 500 crunches a day, and now I only do 100. It takes me about 100 crunches to start feeling it. I need harder excersizes so I can continue making my abs stronger. Any ideas??


  • First pull-ups dont effect your abs at all. Do hanging leg raises, planks, side planks, planks with your feet elevated on a bench, bird dogs (get into push up position, then lift your right arm and left leg hold for 10 secs. then switch and repeat for reps), swiss ball cruches, weighted crunches, russain twists, medicine ball slams, leg lifts, weighted leg lifts, dragon flags (youtube it), sit ups, weighted sit ups, moutain climbers, sciccors, bicycles,crunches on a busu ball to get a bigger range of motion. there are so many, subscribe to muscle and fitness and flex magazines.

  • Maybe your abs can't get much stronger at this point? And if you can't see their definition then you need to do more cardio to burn calories.

  • Use a dumbbell, hold it behind your head.

  • v planks, planks, pull-ups, push-ups, breakdancing, sit-ups, LOOSE THE FAT

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