Im nervous about losing my virginity?

I know this sounds really dumb but there are so many things i am terrified of about losing it first of all im 15 i don't have a bf and don't currently want sex but i have some worries. First of all bleeding , how much do u bleed how long? Is it enough that u will need like a pad or a tampon is it enough that he will see it or that it will go through? Second question is about panty liners i wear one almost everyday cause thats wahat i was taught (and im irregular) but im just wondering if a guy will like see it in my underwear and be disgusted or if i should take if off before hand or if im not wearing one if he will see like the discharge marks and be grossed out? Im also very self conscious about my body and like obvi i have to get naked or half naked and im just scared that he will see my stomach or thighs and be grossed out i also don't shave my ... And idk if that will gross him out either? Please give me ur opinion n what u did or what u are bothered by when u have sex and what u think i should thx

Ps i do like get horny where I want sex but i suck at masterbating and kinda hate it and im scared that means ill hate sex and ik im too young for sex i don't want it now. Just know ill never let it happen with these fears thx for taking the time to read this


Ik im not ready but i want to know these things to make me feel more comfortable with relationships trust me i don't want sex right now ik m not ready


  • You have a lot of worries about this, but you don't need to worry, I answer in the in order of what you wrote.

    You might bleed a little the first time, and it really wont matter whether he (the guy you have it first with) sees it or not; if he doesn't know what it is he'll think your hurt or it's your period, and you then just explain it to him. You can talk about it before you have it, and explain the pantyliner before you even start, he shouldn't be disgusted by it, unless he's really immature, and if that's the case he shouldn't be having sex until he grows up. You should have sex over a towel while on your period.

    Don't worry about your body. Healthy females stomachs don't have to be perfectly flat, and thick thighs are healthy too which give you a curvy figure (we like a healthy curvy look, not a unhealthy thin look). If it helps, have sex in dimmed light and add more light each time, until your comfortable.

    You say you suck at masturbating, it could be that your not relaxed when you do it. Try to relax, and don't feel ashamed about it either (everyone does it, it's a normal human instinct). When you have sex it's the same thing, you need to relax, so try to take your time and relax. Make sure you don't ever do it with anyone unless you love and trust that person enough and you're sure he feels the same way.

  • You're definitely not ready, and why a 15 year old little girl it's concern about something she doesn't need to be concern about? Focus on school and get educated and forget about such topic until the day you're definitely ready which will be a little over 5 years from now (if you do things correctly)

    As for masturbation, this is normal for someone your age, because it's the stage we usually discover our-self and what not. Don't over-do masturbation because you can become totally addictive to it, and will get your hormones all over the place, which will eventually lead you to sex do to the sensation masturbation it's bringing you.

    Once again, focus on more meaningful things and leave sex to when you're a not only physically grown but mentally grown as well. I totally doubt you want a baby at 15, lose your virginity to some whack-job that will eventually use you, or worst yet, throw your whole life out the window. Yes, my dear friend, opening your legs at such a young age and definitely to the wrong person can bring very bad consequences.

  • If you're ever nervous about something, you're not ready. You can pretend to be ready, but then something bad will happen that will make you scarred, emotionally. You don't bleed much; if you're a virgin, you may bleed a little, because of the skin that gets torn.

    I recommend playing with yourself first. Figure out what you like, and what you don't like. You don't even sound ready for sex, because you don't know what's going on, what's accepted, what's not.

  • thank GOD your asking question I wish there was the intetnet when I was your age. I had fears like you do. the biggest thing is you will know when its time and be picky because you only have the first time once and the one you pick out to be the first will not be grossed out with the things your telling. but there is one thing that bothers me you should not have to wear a panty liner go see a Doctor and if your Mom wont take you there is faimly planning every where you can go to( for free )

  • Look I am your age but the thing is I am also a worry freak like I practice what I'm gonna say 15 times before I say it to ANYONE but my thoughts are if it is the right guy and likes u for u he won't care and FYI you don't bleed bad and it will only go on for about how long it does when you get a scrape

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