Missed Depo shot... help?

Okay... so here's the deal... About a month ago I asked the front desk in my clinic when my next shot is due... they said the 27th which is today. Unfortunately when I got there the nurse told me it was due on the 19th and that I'm more than a week late... I wasn't able to get the shot even though she did a pregnancy test that came up negative. I had had sex during the week without protection, not to mention I had just got off my period when I was having sex... (I've had the depo shot for about a year and a half... and usually get a period every 3 months like my shot, though they're very light and insignifcant even though I bleed for a month straight... which only started happening the last few times I've had a period) It came up negative but she still didn't give me the shot and said I'd have to wait another two weeks to take another test... and if its negitive that they'll start my depo up once again. Its driving me insane... and I just want to know... can you get pregnant if you're more than a week late on your depo shot? Why is she making me wait when it all ready came up negative?


  • The reason she wants to retest is because it takes a few weeks for a pregnancy test to definitively say whether you are actually pregnant or not. It is possible you are pregnant, but really unlikely, they are just being careful. Wish they had been so careful about the date you were supposed to get your shot!

  • They wouldn't make you wait if it wasn't a possibility that you were pregnant from being a week late. Of course there is. It's slight though.

    She still wants you to wait because ovulation would have most likely occured within the last week and you can't tell if you are pregnant within a week of having sex. It's best to wait 3 weeks to be certain. She's just doing her job.

  • Usually you dont get pregnant right away after depo. It took my cousin over a year to conceive her baby. She just has to make sure your not pregnant because it could hurt the baby if you are. It could have been too soon to test.

  • depo stays in your system 6 months after taking it. you should be fine.

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