Is it true that all real conservative hate Betty Ford?

for doing something with her life other than just marrying a football star?


  • Betty was one of the first women with public status to come out forcefully for women's rights. She strongly supported the ERA and legal abortion. She campaigned publicly and openly with all of the movers and shakers of the Women's Liberation Movement and stood up union rights. 'Real' conservatives respected her. This current crop of bozos, the GOP/Teabag/Fox 'News'/Jesus freak corporation suck-up that hijacked the name 'conservative' aren't even worth talking about in comparison to this lady.

  • Conservatives hate anyone not agreeing with them on all counts.

    Betty Ford was a Lady of the REAL World with love and understanding.

    Sorry we have not seen much of her in the recent past.

    She was a Jewel.

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