Im tired of life and my problems they have no end. Suicide is all that comes to mind?

The last 2 years I've had severe depression and self esteem issues that affect me greatly.

I have always had trouble speaking but since my self confidence took such a hard blow its gotten much worse...I can hardly formulate a sentence in public now without speaking haltingly. Sometimes the word just wont come out of my mouth and I just sit there with my mouth open looking like an idiot.

This I believe has caused my social anxiety as well I am tremendously awkward in social situations to the point were if it even affects my relationships with 'close' (grandparents, uncles, cousins)family members, to whom I should be perfectly comfortable talking with.

I am alone and I feel alone, my school work has declined beyond redemption and I completely hate disappointing my parents.

My social life is obviously none existent and my weeks consist of video games and crying my self to sleep each afternoon.

I dont know what to do, i just wanna die and stop hurting

help me?


  • Think of life like a competition, life is there to put you down, every one has bad momnets in there life, but that doesn't matter, what matters is how you get over it. I play video games, I play on the ps3 and xbox 360, but I limit my self to a few hours a day. I exercise regally, and I'm a black belt in tae-kwon-do. I also to have a speaking problem. So I know how you feel, I find it hard to talk to friends and family. But Im not put down by this. I aim to over come my difficulty, I attend speaking classes, and I get to meet other people like me. My advice to you is to, get you *** of the couch, away from screens and to get out side and exercise, start a form of combat and try hard at school. Answer questions even if you find it hard, revise and studyhard, because at the end of the day, compines don't care about your voice or how you look, they care about your qualifications. Never be put down by life, challenge it and fight it back before it's to late. If you try hard now, if will pay of later in life.

  • I was thinking about killing myself a few day ago but I didnt because of my religion and because if I killed myself everyone that helps make my life miserable would still be living and breathing and right now people are suffering all oer the world things get better just before you know it. Your happy times will come just be strong don't take the coward way out. Fight for your life

  • i would get help for your depression and the reason that I say this is because I my self have depression but I was able to get help for it.And the other reason that I would get help for your depression is that I would hate to see a nice person like your self want to kill your self.I would also take to your parents and ex plane to them how you are feeling that is if you have a good relationship with them.I would also recommend that you talk to a psychiatrist and ex plane to him or her how you are feeling and see if they can try to prescribe to you the right medication to try and help you control your depression so that you can start to feel happier and not so sad all of the time.Please don't think that I am being disrespectful because I am not at all.

  • Tell your parents you are depressed and need help, in a letter if need be, and see a therapist. Now.

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