How should I pay back the money to my friend's parents?

I owe my friend's parents $70. I am going to pay it back since I have a job but right now money is tight. My friend told me her parents keep bothering her about it but I don't get why since I have known them for years and I had paid back money I borrowed from them before. I was thinking giving them half the money tomorrow and then the rest in 2 or 3 weeks but my friend says it's no rush. What do you think?


  • When people ask about money owed them and follow it with no rush. It is a rush and should be paid asap. If you have taken longer than normal they may think you are going to flake and not pay. Pay the $35 and the balance in 2 weeks.

  • Pay half now so they they know your not lying and pay the rest in a few weeks.

  • Pay half now . It will calm their nerves a bit knowing that you are trying to pay them back

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