van jones happy or not?

anyone else happy van jones resigned?


  • An EXPERT resigns. Hooray? I thought this was supposed to be a meritocracy. People who work the hardest and know the most should have the ear of power. The guy knows as much as anyone about green jobs, and he had no administrative powers. He was merely an adviser.

    Sure, let ignorance reign for down is up, and America knows not what is best for it.

  • Yes, although I would've been much happier had Obama fired him, as should have been the case. Van Jones is a lunatic and an embarrassment to this country. Comments he has made are certainly enough to charge him with treason against this country, something that unfortunately doesn't happen anymore. Let's hope Obama is still not listening to this idiot in the background though...

  • This is a major coup for Glenn Beck, let me tell you. This whole thing was a Glenn Beck effort from start to finish.

  • I am with Natasha B.

    He should not have resigned, but there are more important things to worry about. Bush needs to go to prison for war crimes along with cheney.

  • If you aren't you are not a true American patriot that loves their Country.

  • Didnt know that but i think we will survive without him

  • Yes, now they can move on and complain about something else...

  • Yes I am. PRAISE JESUS!

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