Do animals get periods like humans?

Lol I know I probably sound like an idiot for asking but I'm just curious! Anyways, are there animals that get a period like humans do? Ya know, like with the blood and the cramps and all that.


  • For the most part, no they do not. A human 'period' is after ovulation and the uterus is shedding the lining that was made to prepared for a fertilized egg. The period occurs around 2 weeks after ovulation (it does vary from woman to woman).

    With animals, they go into a heat or estrus cycle. This is when the ovulate and are ready to mate. Each species is different, but there is usually a few days in the cycle when the eggs are released. Mating should occur close to that time so the eggs get fertilized.

    There are some species that are induced ovulators. They do not have a heat cycle. They release the eggs as a response to mating. This allows them to mate at just about any time and get pregnant.

  • I no when dogs and cats do its called coming in heat. And yes they bleed. I don't know about the cramps cause im not a animal. this I am for sure on dogs.

  • Yeah they do, my horse goes grumpy and sensitive for a few days every month.

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