Do police work in hospitals throughout the night?

Everytime i go to my local hospital to A&E at night-time there are always police there, usually with some person in handcuffs. Do police work at hospitals?


  • Police must stay with the people they arrest who need medical treatment.

    Some hospitals do have police around the clock to augment the Security staff. A medical campus large enough can have its own police force or contract with the city or county.

    You'll see this alot in larger cities such as Miami (JMH), SF (UCSF medical center), LA, San Diego and NYC. Many smaller hospitals have also started contracting for Police with the violence and death that have occurred to hospital workers.

  • No, not usually but they do transport prisoners to an from, they may be coming from the jail or may have been aprehended at a crime scene. Regardless what they did they are entitled to appropriate medical care. Cops may also escort victims of violent crime because the medical chain of evidence must be maintained.

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