What should I eat (not expensive at all) to help rid of belly fat?

I am a 14 years old girl and I have a problem with fat that accumulates around my waist, hips, and stomach. I'm very self-concious about it. I am not overweight at all. I'm the normal weight for my age and height (I'm about 5 feet, very short lol). the problem is that I'm just unfit. I am going to start running to get rid of this belly fat. I just need to know some completely inexpensive foods to eat or meals that will help me burn the fat faster. Oh, and besides running, can you please recommend some exercises that will help with this problem? Thank you. :)


  • Breakfast options: yogurt, fruit, oatmeal, healthy cereal with soy milk or almond milk.

    Snack: piece of fruit or yogurt

    Lunch: tuna sandwich or salad. Or a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread.( stay away from too much cheese/mayo/meats)

    Snack: almonds, or carrots, or a fruit, or yogurt.

    Dinner: chicken breast, veggies, salads.

    Try not to eat too many carbs like pasta, rice, and bread. You can eat bread once a day(whole wheat bread) or every other day.

    Cut out junk foods like chips, candy, SODA ESPECIALLY(packs on too much sugar, fat, and calories.it's also VERY bad for you. Stay away from it!!!).

    Cut out fast food!!

    Drink a lot of water.

    Don't eat after 7 p.m

    Running is an awesome way to stay fit and the belly fat will melt off in no time if you run every day for atleast 30 minutes.

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