Fast, Easy Diet for a picky person.?

Hi :) I'm 15 years old and I'm clearly over weight and it really does suck. I eat pretty healthy but my family just eats out way to much, I do not like fast food's but when you have nothing else to eat your gonna eat it am i right or not? I'm right. Okay well anyways; I've always been over weight and I've always been a picky person. I only really eat chicken; I eat it baked and sometimes I will eat it fried but that is RARE that i do that. I love love love spicy foods so I love hot sauce and stuff in my chicken. I love to eat yogurt and fruit and i only like carrots as a veggie. How can I lose weight by getting a healthier diet when I'm a picky eater.? Can someone please help me, I want serious answers and I don't want anyone to be rude on here because It's just not nice, I know I'm fat? K you don't have to point it out :) Also; I cannot exersice a lot because I was born with heart problems and if I do to much i'll pass out or something bad can happen so if theres any light exersice you can put in there please let me know of that too. Any help would be great and I'd really appriciate it. I can list foods for you that I do like to eat so you can help more. I like chicken, bacon, potatoes, mac and cheese, pork, some steak but rarely any steak at all. I like yogurts of all flavors and I like all fruits except pinapple and I love to eat carrots and lettuce and things that go into salad. I am not a big fan of milk or cheese or really any dairy but yogurt. I do not like pasta's or breads either. I will drink water but it gets to bland for me; any other ideas? I like soda a lot but i can easily quit drinking that it's no problem for me whatsoever. just someone please help me i would seriously enjoy your help and any kind of help you can give is good. I just need to lose weight and I want to do it healthy and not with surgery or medicines. So please write to me and let me know; also you can email me if you'd like [email protected] thats my email. so let me know and any advice is good advice :)


  • Here are some important tips:

    •Water (about eight 8oz. cups of water a day, throughout the day, NOT all at once.) This is VERY important to stay healthy. It will also help you lose weight by flushing out toxins.

    •Apple Cider Vinegar (take 1 tbsp. after every MEAL) [Best if you get organic and in a dark bottle as being exposed to light makes it lose some of it's benefits. I recommend Eden Organic.] The health benefits are awesome and it's great for burning fat.

    •Grapefruit (1 whole) [Best if it's organic and fresh but at least make sure that there is nothing added] The health benefits are awesome and it's great for burning fat.

    •Raw Honey (spoonful a day) [Best if it's organic, not the cute little bear. Make sure it is raw, uncooked. And try to get it local as it's better.] The health benefits are awesome and it's great for allergies.

    •Mineral Water (water with a pinch of celtic salt) Your minerals are important.

    •Greek Yogurt (I eat about 3-4 scoops per serving) [Get plain and add your own fresh or frozen fruit and sugar (or Stevia)]

    •Almonds [and other nuts] (eat at least 9 almonds a day) Nuts have many nutritional benefits and help prevent CHD.

    •Cherry Juice Concentrate (2 tbsp. mixed with 7 oz. water twice a day [morning and night]) [best natural or organic. I recommend balaton tart cherry juice] Helps promote: anti-inflammation, pain relief, mobility and flexibility, joint function, cardiovascular function, anti-aging, immune system, sleep cycle

    •Extra Virgin Olive Oil (1-2 tbsp. per day) [store in a dark place] The health benefits are awesome and it also helps prevent heart disease.

    •Vitamin C (at least 1000mg per day) Supports immune system to help you from getting sick and staying healthy.


    Remember your trying to BURN FAT, not just lose weight.

    You should be eating about five times a day.






    This will help to keep your metabolism going. This applies even when you aren't trying to burn fat. Of coarse how many times you eat depends on how long you're up for. You should wait at LEAST 2 hours until you eat again from the time you FINNISHED your last meal. If your hungry before two hours, it's in your head, not your stomach. Don't eat. Unless, you're not eating the right portions, in which case you should adjust your portions so that they'll sustain you. You should be eating enough that your satisfied, not hungry, not full. You should also be drinking about eight 8oz cups of water a day throughout the day, NOT all at once. Use real sugar or Stevia, artificial sweeteners are bad for you body. When you cook with oil, use olive oil or coconut oil. If you eat chocolate, try to get dark chocolate as it is better for you. Exercise at least 20 min. a day straight. Whether it be walking, jogging, running, biking, sports etc. You choose. Try to avoid really fatty foods like pork. Try turkey bacon. Even if you think you won't like any of these things at least try them, it might surprise you. And I spent a lot of time putting this together so it'd be nice to know it was worth while.

    I sincerely hope this helps you.

  • Stand up and walk atleast 5 mins after evry 2 hours while working

  • try a plain greek yogurt with frozen berries for a pre workout boost

  • Participate in sex atleast 3 times in a week

  • having less than 1 200 calories a day may slow down your metabolism

  • Practice deep brearhing exercises to reduce the stress hormone cortisol

  • Use fast beat albums while you work out

  • jump on a trampoline for 29 minutes

  • buy a pedometer clip it to your belt and aim for an extra 1 000 steps a day

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