Why do people refer to Barack Obama by his middle name?

I never hear anyone call John McCain Sidney. I was just wondering if this is supposed to "scare" people? Is there something I'm not getting?

What is the intent? Just curious.


  • It is done by the Republicans as an immature scare tactic to make you think Obama is a terrorist. Hussein is a muslim name and they equate muslims to terrorism, ignorantly thinking all muslims are terrorists. I just feel pity for those who think that as they are just ignorant racists.

  • Yes it is to scare people. It makes Obama seem more Islamic and of course we know that all Muslim's are terrorists - hence the constant hammering on the Bill Ayers issue. It's simple math. Obama + Ayers = Muslim terrorist.

    Even Palin does this. She stumps the country saying things like "Obama hangs around with terrorists" (she always uses the plural even though they can only name 1), usually followed by "We have to stop Barack Hussein Obama." If that isn't race-bating, I don't know what is.

  • Only the republicans do that. They are desperate to do anything, but it only hurts their own image and shows their ignorance, plus it causes more votes for Obama, but they don't see that.

    I see where McCain has gained a "whopping" few electoral votes this morning, up to 178 to Obama's 333. I doubt McCain will even get to 200...pitiful.

  • Have you not heard of Saddam Hussein?

    They are trying to associate the candidate with Saddam's name.

  • obama's name is huessein kinda like the terrorist that could give people the wrong impression about him but i really could care less vote for mcCain

  • When did it become a crime to call someone by their real name?

  • scare tactic, hussein is not a commonly liked name

  • There are insinuating that he is Muslim. What if he is? That would make no difference to me, I'd still vote for him.

  • guilty by name association, and to link fear with his name

  • Because they want him to sound like an Arab terrorist.

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