i think my house is haunted?

can i sue my landlord????


  • lol, no. Even if you purchased the home, you couldn't sue the seller. They don't even have to tell you if someone was murdered in the house - they can keep that information secret.

  • Sue for what? Are you serious?

    First off, you say you *think*, not you have *proof*. Courts deal with tangible proof, not theories. Second, how would you prove that the landlord was aware of the haunting if there is one, and that he purposely rented to you because he thought it would be fun to rent to someone who would be afraid of poltergeists? LOL

    What damages, ( REAL damages you can document ) have you suffered due to this supposed haunting?

    Somehow, I doubt this is a real question, or you just aren't too keen on what goes on in a courtroom.

  • uh no you cant. im sorry lol. i know the landlord owns the house but it isnt his fault the home is haunted. if you really feel uncomfortable, move out.

  • No lawyer is going to take you seriously. Why don't you ask the ghost to go haunt your landlord instead?

  • write a book and make a profit from it. email me some stories.

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