I have this thing call tourettes.Cheese anyone?

Does everyone have any advice or something cause the tourettes are ruining my life. I dont have a crazy one mine is mild.even though there are i hate. My life is twice as hard


  • I take Cymbalta and that helps with the anxiety and tics. Tourette syndrome, ocd, adhd are pretty much the same disorder, just tics with one, no tics with other. The most worrisome symptom is mindracing. Your mind is never quiet, like a tornato inside your brain.

    If you haven't tried Strattera, I would suggest it. It is a nonamphetamine for ADD. It should help tremendously with all the symptoms. I don't take it because Cymbalta helps fibromyalgia and I have that. Strattera helps my sister a lot. It does take some getting used to. It takes about a month to get over side effects and be able to relax and go to sleep right away.

    Just looking at the front of this book will help with some understanding of TS:


  • My son has Tourette Syndrome. Medications can be taken to help with tics, although the side-effects can be just as annoying as the tics themselves. Arm yourself with information. The more you know, the easier it will be to adjust to your condition. I have dedicated a webpage on Tourette's if you want someplace to start reading. :)


    Hang in there, and good luck to you in the future...

  • My son's father has it. It's a mild case for him though. He twitches a lot. He doesn't really spurt out words or anything. I think you can get medication to try and keep the ticks under control.

    I saw a special where they did remove a part of this man's brain but the result was mental illness. You should speak to a neurologist on this.

  • I knew someone who had it--he let everyone know, and pretty soon we just got used to it. He'd be in the middle of talking to you, turn away in mid-sentence so his face could contort without us watching, and would turn back to us and finish talking. Once the people around you know what's going on, they'll barely notice.

    If you are young, just wait until you are older. Pretty much kids and loser adults are the only ones who bust on someone for being handicapped.

  • Well for something its loopy considering that its the Crazy little factor referred to as love which makes you think butterflies whilst you get it pretty much an emotion that makes you think some thing for a detailed different

  • I do not but I saw a tv show about a girl with it and it made her very stressful. She got somthing done to her brain and now she is kind of better but still has it. Just try not to get to stressful because it will make it worse.

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