How long will it take to know if my Pomeranians coat is permanently damaged?

I am adopting a pom mix and he has been given a lion cut. How long will it take to grow back, so I can see if it'll be a full pom coat?


  • Depends. Some Pom`s coats will grow back in a few months, and some will no grow back completely until a year!

    I hear of a Pomeranian`s fur growing back just fine more than a Pom`s fur growing back horrible. I think some people are just impatient and don`t know how long it takes for a Pom`s guard coat to grow back. A Pomeranian`s guard coat always grows slower than it`s under coat.

  • It will take about 4 months. If he is a mix it is doubtful that it will be as full a coat as a purebred Pom. A lion coat won't result in permanent damage.

  • While I commend you for adopting a dog.... I believe you've lost sight of what's really important. Did you get this dog to provide unconditional love and companionship.... or as a fashion accessory? Hair grows back... Patience friend.

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