Fire Emblem: Marriage and Children?

So, I'm slightly flustered at the moment. I know very little about the marriage system on the new Fire Emblem: Awakening, and how children come into the equation after a relationship has hit rank 'S', but I'm hoping that it isn't limited only to particular couples.

Right now, I have been working on getting Vaike's and Panne's relationship to 'S', and I finally got there.

Now, my question is - are they able to have a child? There was only one website I could find that had adequete information on the subject, but it was very elusive to say if only certain couples could have children, or if anyone capable of 'S' rank could have a child.

Anyone know?


Those links to Gamefaqs are great; thanks for the additional information. It still doesn't tell me if any couple can have a child, and if so, when does that child come into the game?


  • Not every character may have children. Take the children, for instance. They are already the children of married ones.

    Yes, Panne and Vaike are able & are going to have a CHILD. His name is Yarne, from paralogue 13; also being a Taguel. Every child has their own special paralogue, but if you kill them and finish the chapter, you will never see them again. The paralogue is the only chance to recruit them. Only 13 married characters may have children, and after you make these certain units marry, the paralogue pops up. These characters are (Only the children):

    Chrom = Lucina (Automatic) - Lord

    *You (Avatar) = Morgan*

    Cordelia = Severa (Mercenary)

    Nowi = Nah (Manakete)

    Panne = Yarne (Taguel)

    Miriel = Laurent (Mage)

    Maribelle = Brady (Priest)

    Tharja = Noire (Archer)

    Sully = Kjelle (Knight)

    Sumia = Cynthia (Pegasus Knight)

    Cherche = Gerome (Wyvern Rider)

    Olivia = Inigo (Mercenary)

    Lissa = Owain (Myrmidon)

    *Morgan is special. Morgan can be Male, or Female, and be ALMOST every class.

    Female Morgan has 3 special classes that male Morgan cannot be:

    - Troubadour

    - Pegasus Knight

    - Bride (Requires bride bouquet)

    Male Morgan has 3 special classes that Female Morgan cannot be:

    - Fighter

    - Barbarian

    - Demon Fighter (Requires Demon Fighter Scroll)

    Both Morgans will be the base class of the other parent.

    UNLESS the avatar marries Chrom, Lucina, Olivia, Walhart, (POSSIBLY [meaning I AM NOT SURE] Panne and Nowi).

    In which case, Morgan will be a tactician. Another one for your team, if you loved the avatar.

  • There is no "excellent marriages" on the grounds that marriages are situated on stats of dad and mom and when you prefer to make one youngster better, an additional might be worse off. Seeing that theoretically, your Avatar is the quality candidate for any baby (seeing that they then can also be any job and study each skill, and your character has very good base stats)

  • Tommy is wrong Manakete and Taguel aren't special classes so Morgan can be both. Also I put my avatar with Panne so that I can keep the taguel race going!!

  • Basically every girl can have one kid and once you get a support to S a new area should open up were you can fight some bandits and get the kid.If you want to no specifics try they have lots on all the FE games

  • Check on Gamefaqs (links below). They have an entire guide concerning marriages, children and inheritance.

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