If a store asks for your backpack, why not ask you to strip and shop in the nude?

Stores think backpacks are a problem but the reality is that a skilled shoplifter never uses a backpack. only the stupid shoplifters get caught.

Purses, pants and coats are used for shoplifting as well. I was reading a story of a 'skilled shoplifter that put stuff in her pants and finally got caught. Why not ask customers to shop nude? taking packpacks from customers doesn't stop stealing.Thieves have big coats, shirt pockets, all sorts of ways to steal.

When i was a teen i gave my backpack to a store and they stole $ from it. ever since then i refuse to give my personal belongings to anyone.

Update: Most stores that have these policies are usually failing to provide proper security of their stores, like simply watching what customers are doing and putting up a security system.

Its anti customer and poor customer service policy that its mostly ineffective especially now days when a decent camera system can be installed from under 20.

f a store asks for a backpack, they might as well ask for everything else including your pants.

I put my apartment under surveillance for less than 20$ why cant stores do it.


Lili I'm making some strong points here, i'm asking people to justify this offensive practice, not whining. But the best point is if you don't trust customers in your store, why should the customers trust you with their personal belongings?

Update 3:

I put crayons in my soup.

Update 5:

lili there is no way a person can put large items into a bag without being caught if the store is observing their customers to begin with.

Update 7:

When it comes to stores demanding law abiding customers to hand over their back packs and bags, I usually make a big deal about it because the store policy is passing judgement., and at the same time being arrogant and absent minded about the possibility that employees have the opportunity to steal from customers.

Update 9:

Trust goes both ways.

backpack policies actually causes shoplifting or makes it worse because criminals know stores with such policy are easy targets and it indicates the store is out of touch. Your basically telling criminals its easy to steal because the reality is that criminals know backpacks are not the best method to use.

Update 11:

I went into a goodwill store and video recorded the employees, for 20 minutes no employee was present observing me or other customers. I don't shoplift i purchase things because i'm a law abiding citizen but the opportunity was there for criminals to do so, which explains why the Goodwill has a problem with shoplifters. It's their own fault for not watching people.

Update 13:

It causes a false sense of security and causes business owners to let their guard down by taking someones belongings, which could actually make it easier for the shoplifter to steal since the employees might not continue to observe

Update 15:

llii There are business' that actually know how to properly protect their stores, without such policy. If stores drop the policy and follow better security policy, they can actually increase their profits.

Update 17:

If you don't think such a policy deters good paying customers then why do many business with such policy still have shoplifters? and in reality the complaints about it are endless.

Update 19:

lili instead of making assumptions about me or insulting my intelligence, answer my questions. I don't think your position is well thought out.

How do I as a customer know employees won't steal from my backpack? and if things are stolen from my backpack why arent stores willing to be liable for it?


  • The ONLY time I see this done is when school lets out and schoolkids and teenagers are getting out of school. There's a reason for this. In my area, some stores don't allow teenagers in, period without a parent, or they'll only allow a couple in at a time. There's a reason for this. You might want to carefully consider those reasons.

    A store can use whatever means it wishes to curtail shoplifting. You don't to like it, nor do you get a say in the matter.

  • I have gone into many shops carrying my back. I make sure that all my pockets are close and both straps are over my shoulder. If any of the store associates asks me if I'm carrying any unpaid items, I would let them search it for themselves.

    1 BIG ADVICE: Never, never, never shop lift.

    It took me 30 minutes to get my answer in. Fix the yahoo system.

  • There is usually a limited number of items people could shoplift wearing only their clothes. If they are suspicious, they can stop you and search you.

    Asking for your backpack is merely ONE way to cut down on shoplifting. Stores always have others. Why complain about one of their techniques, when it's certainly not the only one?

    Most stores do have surveillance cameras, by the way, though there are some places they can't go -- dressing rooms, for example.

    Calm down. You're being very whiny.

    Edit: Sweetie, if you think asking for bags and backpacks really drives away shoppers, you don't do much serious shopping. Moreover, it's a rule that forms only ONE PART of anti-shoplifting tactics at many stores. It's not the only one. You don't read very carefully.

    If you really hate it, you must be a kid. Grown-ups understand the necessity for these rules at many stores, and they are not "driven away" by them. In fact, it can be liberating not to be hauling a bag around a store.

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