Where Can I Find Paid CNA Training Near Fairbanks, Alaska?

I live in the Eielson Afb/Fairbanks area. Can I do a CNA program online, or do they prefer you to come in to the school? I'd like to find programs that pay you for training. Please help, anyone? Thanks.


  • Contact Tanana Valley College in Fairbanks. They have a CNA training program and help graduates find jobs. You would want to attend, rather than do something online, as most of it is experience. The directors of the program may know of employers who will help pay for or reimburse you for your training if you work for them after you are certified.

    Denali Center and the Pioneer's Home in Fairbanks both hire CNA's and seem to be always looking for someone to hire. The nice thing about CNA work there, is that you can work nights/weekends and continue to go to school or to raise a family during the day.

    If you are still in high school, there may be other financial aid programs.

    Depending on your age and circumstances, you might see if there are any medical programs that you could be trained for if you joined the Air Force.

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