Can a mature 13 year old play gta 4?

I'm 13 about to turn 14 and played mafia 2 and saints row 3 and soon 3.

I do have common sense and not go and murder ppl. I know all about sex and stuff. Not a crazy either. Just want it because 90% of my friends have it so plz leave some good comments not like I'm an 2 year old but a mature teen.


  • Yea i started watching my brother play GTA San Andreas when i was like 11 and i play GTA IV and im 15. If your smart enough to not go outside and do what you do in the game then yea you can play it lol. It's very fun online so it would be fun to get since you want to play with friends on the game

  • If he can play gears of conflict then he could surely have the skill to play grand theft vehicle 4. The gore is not any the place close to as undesirable as Gears of conflict and could be fantastic. as long as you tell him that he could by no skill do stuff interior the game and it quite is purely a game he could be fantastic. i'm 14 and have been given the game while i grow to be 13. I have fun with the game and understand what's sturdy and incorrect. while you're son is as mature as you state there is not any concerns.

  • Well if you have already played saints row 2 I dont think your parents are gonna care if you play GTA

  • Nope,mature game, E-Everyone 10 & up T-Teen 13- & up M-Mature 17 & up A-Adult 21-& up how old are you?13...connect the dots kid.Stick to Teen games.

  • Well if you have common sense which you should, it's really not about age it 's about maturity, and it's really mature of you to think things through and just buy it because everyone else has it.

  • Alright Alex, you shouldn't be playing M games, but you can go to the city and blow up random crap and kick the crap out of random citizens, just stay away from the strip clubs and hookers :)

  • look around dude if your parents know about mafia and row why not gta?? if not look for it at school simple as that

  • I would mind anyone playing it, its just a game its not like its for real

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