do you think this could be braxton hicks or preterm labor?

i am 32 weeks. i went to the doctor last thursday for my regular checkup and the doctor told me that if i start to have period-like cramps and have them more than 5 times in an hour, i need to either call the doctor or go get checked at L&D because i could be in preterm labor. well they did an ultrasound that day and the baby's head was almost all the way down, i guess thats the reason he told me about the preterm labor. well today i have started having this feeling in my stomach that feels like the baby balling up but it is a little more uncomfortable than when she usually balls up. it hurts just a little. what are some other signs of possible preterm labor? im thinking its just braxton hicks but if her head was almost engaged last thursday, im wondering if maybe she could be down now and this could be preterm labor. this is my first baby so i dont know what to expect. i dont want to go in and it just be braxton hicks but then again, i dont want to not go in and it end up being preterm labor.


i have also been having pain in my lower back/hips. when i stand up after sitting, its feels like my hips are 'catching' if that makes any sense.


  • Sounds like ur in labor girl*

  • If you are having even slight pain in the pelvis or back I would go to the dr! I went into preterm labor and had no idea I was even contracting. It felt like very light period pains...that's it! I went to the hospital after my dr's urging b/c my muscous plug discharged. My water broke and I had no idea!!! I was 31 weeks. I thought I'd be on bedrest but 7 hours later my baby was born. This was my first pregnancy and it was so shocking. You can contact me if you have more questions.

  • with my first child i starting having cramps at 20 wks only to find out i was in premature labor...i was lucky that they were able to stop it with bedrest and meds so for you still having many weeks ahead of you-better safe than sorry, go to the dr...

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