Is an unjust peace better than a rightful war?

Unjust peace: a society in which basic human rights are oppressed

Rightful war: a war that is fought to protect human rights or to destroy a regime that oppresses them

Basic Human Rights: those guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and described in the Declaration of Independence


  • A rightful war is better.

    Look at World War II. If it was not fought, then anyone Jewish or part Jewish in Germany would have been murdered along with the numerous other groups that were deemed undesirable.

  • Unjust Peace

  • We depend on the SCOTUS in the USA to judge when basic human rights of American citizens have been oppressed (when states pass laws or initiatives or propositions that are unconstitutional), but at least we have a process where it can be determined in a peaceful way. A country where unjust peace is dictated would not have such a process, however, it is up to the citizens of such a country to fight for their right to have a real freedom, not up to an occupying army to enforce the way. Freedom can not be enforced, it must be chosen and fought for from within.

  • If you are in a society in which basic human rights are denied, you try to bring about change through all the peaceful means available to you. If wage you war, you will only cause the death of the very people whose rights you were trying to restore.

    The only rightful war is one in which you defend your country against an aggressor. You don't wage war to remove an unjust regime.

  • Give me an example of an unjust peace..... see, can you? Edit: actually i do understand what unjust peace means yes a war is right if the peace is not fair and just.

  • It's a matter of degree. How unjust the peace? How rightful the war? Balance the two and make a determination.

  • For the best answers, search on this site

    Olyvard expresses the typical ignornace of a pacifist. A 'just peace' is in the eye of the beholder. Adolf Hitler thought the Versailles Treaty was anything but just, thus prompting WWII and all its' horrors. If 'peace' is obtained through wholesale appeasement, than it is no peace, but a temporary bribe delaying the inevitable conflict to come. Peace through appeasement signals to our opponent that the values we were fighting for are not taken seriously by us and will not be defended to the last man. This only encourages our opponent.

  • Of course not. In the words of Thomas Jefferson, "A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both and deserve neither."

    We must defend our Constitution at ALL costs. Abraham Lincoln said, "Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That MUST be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties."

    "If we make peaceful revolution impossible, we make violent revolution inevitable."-John F Kennedy

    "The RIGHT to revolt has sources deep in our history."-William O Douglas

  • It's all up to the people some can be oppressed others will die fighting for freedom our for Fathers did God Bless Them

  • Rightful War aka Just War

    Semper Fi

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