our adversarial common law legal system is based upon president. how does that work?

is this the best way to organize our legal system?


opps i mean precedent


  • A precedent is a case that the court looks at to figure out how to handle a current case.

    ----So when the court gets a case, they look back at other cases they have done like it, see how they handled it and what the outcome was and pretty much use it as a guideline for the current case.

  • BOY are you confused! Just for starters:

    The President is the chief executive.

    He runs the country, but is only remotely connected

    to the legal system.

    Common Law is a State not a Federal matter.

    Our 'adversarial system' is ultimately under the Supreme Courts. (States and Federal).

  • President who?

    Do you mean precedent?

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