why are men so shallow?

is it a genetic thing?

i find it very offputting.


  • Evidently not genetic since I don't consider myself shallow. I've often had that same thought about women though the thought was fleeting since I'm not so shallow to think that all women are shallow.

  • Both men and women are shallow. It has to do with their ideals. In my own opinion, confidence should be found within the soul, not on the skin, body shape or the tag on an outfit. When I see a goodlooking man I can't help but look, but I don't think that makes me shallow because I wont approach and if he approaches me (which is rare all in itself) I am confident that I can tell if his beauty is only skin deep. I don't think it's genetic...but it can be passed on by example.

  • Because women are just as shallow. You cant sit here and make a generalization about an entire species. Truth be told women are just as shallow as men. Have you ever heard a woman say "I dont want to date him because: He's fat, he's Bald, He works at McDonalds"? Whhen in actualality the guy can be the one who treats you right. Most women get in the way of themselves. They spend a lot of time focusing on the physical flaws that they never get a chance to know a person from the inside. So in closing both men and women are equally shallow as you put it.

    Now Take 2 ov deez and call me in the Mornin'

  • Can a person recognize the color green without first knowing what the color green is in the first place?

    How you view the world is often more a mirror of how you view yourself.

    What is it that you recognize in yourself that leads you to think that you are shallow?

    Lastly, to recognize the depth of someones soul, you must first have a basis of understanding of what you are seeing.

    The better question would be what attributes about men are there that you have yet to learn? (Or people in general for that matter).

  • I don't know, why do you make based-on-stupidity generalizations? Is it genetic? I find it very offputting.

    FFS. FA. DD.

  • society makes them that way...women are portrayed as skinny flawless beauty queens...its not right...some women kill themselves just to try and live up to the expectations of society...and men like it that way...its horrible...if a women isnt a size 2 with long beautiful hair, flawless skin, toes always kept up and nails always perfect then they dont even think about taking a second look...women are beautiful regardless of what size you are and the clothes you wear...and they have to remember that...do not let society keep holding our self worth hostage....be confident and beautiful...keep your head up ladies...Good Question

  • some may be but not all men are shallow i find that drastic

  • Well, i hope nothing bad happened that caused u to think this way honey. Please dont tar all of us guys with the same brush. I dont think of myself as shallow.

    Adrian. ;-)

  • we are stuck on our selves, sometimes we are very stupid.

    I think we need to be more comforting. but I'm a guy what do I know.

  • Because women would get out of their depth in us if we were not :o)

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