hey kids...stop asking us to answer your school questions!!?

to answer these questions - it takes forever!!! lol!


hey ppl! dont take me so seriously! i think its pretty funny. i wish i knew about this site when i was still going to school!


  • Clearly plagiarism means nothing to todays students. And they'd all rather ask someone else for the answer rather than think for themselves. Guess they'll be the ones asking someone else for a job... or begging for one.

  • I've been asking questions for some of my uni classes (particularly chemistry), but not so much to get the answer, more to understand what the hell I'm doing. In most instances I've searched the web, asked my peers (who can't clearly give me an answer that I understand) so this is just another way to get the info I want. But I do agree with you, asking questions like "give a detailed summary about the fall of the roman empire" is just sheer lazyness. Ask a specific question about the topic and what you don't understand otherwise do your own damn homework.

  • I dont mind if they they ask a question, but when they ask you to write them a poem or an essay or give them a chapter by chapter summary of a book or a long list of questions they need answered, I draw the line. It is one thing to read material and not fully understand it and quite another to not read the material and expect someone else to give you the answers. The work I write is my intellectual property - and I do not like being plagerized by lazy kids who havent got a clue that education is a gift. Pax - C.

  • LOL!

    No kidding. They just need to do their homework and stop surfing the internet asking for answers so they can slack off some more.

    Just feed them bad info. That'll teach them!!!

  • This is a free service. Im not in school anymore but I feel since this is q&a any question should suffice for this site.

  • I don't mind the ones who ask simple questions, it's the ones who ask us to write essays and poems that annoy me.

  • It wouldn't be so bad to just give hints and ideas or something they are stuck on but they want you to do the whole assignment.


    A) free country, at least where I am


    B) There's a homework help section, why have it if no one's gonna use it


    C) U don't have to answer those wuestions if you don't want to. If they annoy you or take up too much of your precious time, simply do not answer them.

    Ok? alright. I'm glad we cleared that up! Have a nice day now! :D

  • they should do there home work like me and have just as many stress headaches as me:P

  • ugh. I think it's annoying.

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