Would I like Hunger Games?

Please don't be an uber fan. Give me your honest opinion:

-I've heard that most of the characters lack depth, and the plot is kind of shallow.

-I think that romance in teen books is too cliche, and got tired after the first book of Twilight saga.

-I didn't like Eragon because Paolini seemed full of himself in his writing, carried over to his characters.

-The Mortal Instruments was OK, but again, cliche.

- I heard the books have bad sentence structure/grammar

I really like characters you can connect to, plots you can believe, and content that makes you grow/think in new ways.

Should I read it, or will I be happier just watching the movie?


  • The Hunger Games are decidedly Young Adult books. They are not on a level with "To Kill a Mockingbird" or "Catcher in The Rye" for example. The writing is intended for teen readers and, while the plot is good, the back-story development leaves something to be desired.

    Suzanne Collins pulls no punches in terms of death and gore and her protagonist is a strong, flawed, complex, individual. They are not "The Great American Novel" and don't advertise themselves to be such. They tell a wonderful, thought-provoking story through simple, direct language. The YA genre was in desperate need of a strong heroine. When the Twilight craze hit, a big flood of flimsy protagonists followed. So it was refreshing.

    That being said, I didn't like the present tense format, nor how extremely simple the story was. The rich force the poor into Gladiator-like sport and story consists of heroine surviving aforementioned sport. The end. It was exciting and had a lot of action, sure, but at the end of the day it didn't really give you anything to think on other than a ham-fisted metaphor on how obsessed our culture is with reality TV. But once you get past the disgustingly cliche romance and weak-at-best sequels, it's really quite a fascinating read.

    The ending is what makes me like it even more. The writer didn't cater to the audience, she made it realistic. Not all good books must be good literature. I don't think The Hunger Games will top the Literary Classics list anytime soon, but I would suggest you give them a try. Overall, I'm fairly neutral. It's not terrible but it's no masterpiece either.

  • I think you would really enjoy reading it because your taste in books sounds very similar to my own, and I enjoyed the series very much. I didn't think the characters lack depth, in fact I though they had a lot of good and interesting qualities about them. The plot is kind of disturbing but contains a great message and really hooked me to reading.

    It's not a romance book at all! I mean, at first you sort of get the impression it is, but it's not really. That why I hate it when people compare it to Twilight (they are completely different!) There is a bit of romance here and there, but I did not find it cheesey.

    I didn't think the spelling and sentence structure was bad. I never really noticed it being bad or an issue. She used some unique and clever words some times, but I never thought it was bad.

    I think you should read it because the book does have interesting and likable characters. I can believe the plot and I really enjoyed it. You might as well read the books, they are very easy reads and not that long. (Mockingjay was my personal favourite).

    Also the books are better than the movie (like always) so it's good to read the books.

  • the main character is pretty dull but i would say that many other main roles are very interesting. its an all around good book.here are reasons why u should read it:

    - amazing plot that at the end makes you think

    - a very interesting and entertaining setting

    - the romance isnt flashy

    - what the main character lacks in personality she makes up for in strength and depth we dont have another bella on our hands

    - well paced and i swear it didnt drag on at one point

    - very well thought out characters- i had like 20 favourite characters!

    hope i helped!

  • No harm in giving it a try. When it comes to books, never let someone else's opinions influence whether or not you read the book. If you end up hating it, you'll only have lost about 4 hours since it's a quick, simple read.

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