What type of ipod touch should I get?

Im not sure if I should get a 3G or 2G/ 8GB or 16GB ipod touch because:

I would like longer battery life and a faster processor but I've heard that this only applies to the 32 GB or 64 and I definitely do not need that much space, but I'm afraid that 8 GB will not be enough space. Is it worth the cost of a 3G 8GB ipod touch? does it have that many improvements? or should I just settle with a 16 GB 2G ipod touch?


  • The "new" 8gb ipod touch is not new, it just has a lower price($200). I would totally get the 3g 32gb ipod touch because it is the same exact price as the16gb 2g ipod touch was. Even if you don't need all the space, get it because it is like getting two 16gb 2nd gen ipod touch for the price of one.

  • You should get the 32GB cause it honestly doesn't matter how much space you have. If you constantly buy songs and apps you will eventually fill it up. It may take a while. I have a 8GB and it took me 7 months to fill it up. On the 32GB, it comes with a mic so you can use the voice memo. What is the 3G I pod touch did they release it yet? also they got rid of the 16 GB

  • if i were u i would get the 16gb just to be on the safe side. i have it and it works great. the 3G isnt much of a differance.

  • ipod touch 16gb is the best no doubt about it

  • 8g is great for me and i have like 49 apps and a lot of songs and still have like 4g left

  • 3g mutch worth it

  • get the iphone

  • I have the 16G and it holds tons.

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