What is better?... bq?

Sin cara wins intercontinL title or chody rhodes retains?

Bq: when will cara get a title push??


  • Cody Rhodes retain. Based on this current push Rhodes is on, i wouldn't expect him to lose this title anytime soon. For him to lose the title just 2 weeks after introducing the classic belt would be a disgrace.

    It'd be better for Cody Rhodes to retain after a long contest, so this way Cara won't get buried and Rhodes still gains credibility.

    BQ: I don't see him winning any titles.

  • I hope Sin Cara gets a push, but he can't really since many wrestlers aren't used to his speed, it's more complicated then it sounds but he's too fast for most of them. It would be awesome to see Sin Cara beat Rhodes though, he's been holding that title for a while now, DeBiase may take it though. So I highly doubt Cara will get a title push any time soon, unfortunately

  • I don't want to see Sin Cara win it, but I want to end this tired gimmick for Rhodes. Let Sin Cara and his mimic feud. Have Ted Dibiase come and take the title from Rhodes.

  • cody rhodes retains

  • Cody Rhodes retain

    BQ.Yes, soon, but not very soon, but he might get one in the near future.

  • cody retains

    bq well first of all he needs to get sin cara ***** off his back because he will cost him everything

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