What is my fear called and how can i overcome it?

I can not look at any blood. Like in movies, I can't watch when the bad guy gets shot in the head or burned to death. It makes me so sick to my stomach I sometimes even start shaking. In school, we were required to watch Hotel Rwanda which was the bloodiest and most disturbing movie I have ever watched. I actually had to get up and leave the room at some parts. I also can't deal with looking at pictures of inside the human body. I also don't like to see or hear anything gross such as burping or anything like that. and I am a waitress and when i clear peoples plates I sometimes accidentally touch their food, and i can't stand having something slimy or gross touching my fingers! ughhhh i am so grossed out by everything! Does anyone know what this is called and how to overcome it?


  • fear of blood is called Hemophobia. as for getting over it, sometimes the only way to do that is desensitize yourself. watch the goriest, bloodiest stuff you can find (faces of death and traces of death movies being the absolute WORST on the market with all REAL footage of human depravity at its worst.) any other way could be potentially dangerous as it would have you in direct contact with human blood... and even in MY business (im a tattoo artist... who just happens to have a psychology degree and a degree in forensic pathology among others) i try to avoid that at all costs.

    as for the not wanting or being anxious about touching something other people have eaten... that could be something completely different. THAT seems more like the onset of OCD and being generally afraid of germs. tht isnt wholly uncommon either, but in some cases where it is more potent than just being mildly grossed out... you may need to seek medical, professional and (sadly) pharmaceutical help for that. its perfectly fine to not want to touch anything an unknown person has had in their mouths... i mean, who knows where they have been? it when it generally disrupts your "normal" course of behavior that you may have a larger problem just a case of "eeeewwwww!"

  • Hemophobia.

    It's mind over matter. Just think, you have about 8 pints of blood in your body...how does that make you feel? Remember without enough blood we can't live, so it's nothing to be feared of. If it gets out of control perhaps you should see a hypnosis.

    Read this story, it might help


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