Is it not domestic violence when a woman slaps her boyfriend for cheating?

If so, aren't a lot more women guilty of it then are made out to be?

If not, why would it be considered domestic violence if a man slaps his girlfriend for cheating?


  • Yes. That is domestic violence. I hate when it's considered okay for a woman to slap her boyfriend. Slapping is domestic violence, and should be treated as such.

  • That is domestic violence. The so-called reasons behind do not matter. Men and women commit IPV at roughly equal rates. No surprise.

  • If it's fairly routine. That said, domestic violence or not...u can call the cops and press charges against anyone that slaps u

  • i can not rather help right here because of the fact i'd under no circumstances hit a guy or lady, i assume that it rather is because of the fact the female would not think of she is doing that a lot harm. additionally television shows make it seem ok or perhaps cool for a woman to slap a guy, like she's feisty or courageous for doing it, while it rather is needless to say socially unacceptable for a guy to hit a woman. i understand a woman who many times hits her boyfriend and looks to think of it rather is humorous.

  • Gender isn't the issue. Yes, it is domestic violence.

  • nope girls can men's can't

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