can you start a auto mechanic shop in your garage?


how do i find out if my area is zoned for bussiness


  • The property must be zoned for commercial or industrial to legally run this type of business from your garage. For a auto mechanic shop there is also environmental permits and fees as well as it must conform to city code for a public business.

  • Are you asking about your house's garage, or your commercial garage? Most city's and states, as well as your neighbors, frown upon people opening commercial businesses of this scope in their homes because of safety and insurance reasons (most insurance companies won't insure a business based in a resedense). If it is a separate shop away from your home, just be sure you have all your permitts.

  • If you apply for the right license and have a business license. You should be able to get these as a reasonable price and then I see no reason why. I know a lot of people that are running businesses out of their own garages.

  • many guys have backyard shops but since your home is probably zoned residential it would not be legal to run a business like a garage.You would need to find a place that is zoned light industrial/commercial.

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