Live cheap tha Bronx - 2000$ a month?

How can I live for only a small amount of money?

I can get a 900$ studio-apartment, and don't buy luxuries, but how can I save money on food, electricity?

What jobs can I get, where I'm earning about 2000$ a month, with a high school degree?

How many percents is the taxes in new york?

!" Please, no answers about, "get a education", I am going to get my self a education so I'm secured, but I would like to live laid back for a while. "!


  • Let's say minimum wage is $6. 8 hours a day that's $48 dollars a day. About 24 days in a work month. That's $1152 a month.

    You only need to find a job that will pay about $11 dollars an hour and work full time (working overtime wouldn't hurt).

    Save money on food by only buying the essentials, not eating out, and cooking yourself. You can save a lot of money on electricity by not using the air or heat, not using the tv as much, turning off lights, etc.

    It's very doable.

  • I'm gonna be brutally honest and save you a lot of trouble. You will never make it.

    Lets say you earn $10.00 hr ($2000 a month) and after taxes you take home about $1600. Rent will run you $900, electricity $100, water $30, garbage $15, cell phone $60, cable TV $60, food $200, gas money $160, that leaves you with a $50 margin of error.

    General rule of thumb is you need to make 3x your rent.

    At best, you will need a room mate.... or sell crack.

  • I know I'm not answering your question, but, oh my God! Things are really expensive in NYC! $900 for a studio? $900 can get you a huge 2-3 bedroom apartment in Texas. Wonder why things differ so much across the country?

  • My Advice, dont bother with the western education, its propanganda instution education, just to make them rich and buy their books, real education is learning about the Bible and New world Order and who pulls the strings

    Sorry My English

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