Why do I look like and feel like this?Please help.?

Please NO RUDE ANSWERS.I don't even know what else.I feel ugly.I have a underbite which makes it difficult for me to smile perfectly.I love smiling but look horrible. :(.Im spose to have a surgery till im 18.Im 14.I feel fat and am.My face,even though I sometimes dont have breakouts but i have spots.On my nose horrible.Kids say I have a fat nose.I just cant go on.I feel like i will never be good enough for someone.I wont be able to enjoy my teen years.But people say Im pretty.Are they blind?!Why am I like this and look like this?Please help :(


  • VANESSA!!! Chill! I'm sure you're not that bad! You don't look like that. You just feel like that probably because of stupid people in the world. Just don't let it get to you. You should look in the mirror every morning and tell yourself atleast 5 things that you love about yourself. You love to smile, DO IT! Don't stop because someone made fun of you. There just stupid people who have flaws and put people down to feel better. Now I don't reccomend it. It'll only get worse for you later. You are stronger than you think. You just have to keep positive, I'm sure you're way better than them. Like you said there only Kids, it's childish behavior. You can be a kid and have adult behavior and you can do that. Don't let it get to you. Just ignore the hurtful comments. Your not the only one who has troubled teen years. I recently turn 18. I remember when I was in highschool and junior high it wasn't the way I wanted it to be, But I got through it and I am so glad. We all have are hard moments. But we are all stronger, but we tell ourselves differently. You can find that strong part in yourself, just stay positive Vanessa. I know you'll be great! Hope you love yourself the way you should soon! It's very important!

  • If you think that you're fat, you can always do something about it. You can see a nutritionist so you're not starving yourself, eat a little less and exercise more and you'll lose weight. Trust me, I've done it before to the point that I dropped 70 lbs. about 10 years ago. Sure, it took some work, but I was up to the task and I don't back away from a challenge easily.

    Also, you're going to have zits. I'm 41 and I still get zits once in a while. When I was your age and my father told me that he still got pimples once in a while, I relaxed - it's just part of getting older.

    And, like yourself, I also have an underbite that started developing when I was 8 years old. When I was 18 and going for my first dental exam, it was 8 millimeters. I am now scheduled to have surgery to correct the problem at the beginning of next month. Thanks to the braces moving my teeth into a better position for after surgery, the space between my bottom and top teeth is now 12 millimeters. Is your underbite causing you problems with your speech, ability to chew food or your ability to breathe? If it is, you can get your underbite fixed and it will be covered by medical insurance if it's considered extreme enough.

    I used to think that I wasn't attractive enough for women because of my underbite. None of the girls that have been attracted to me or that I've dated have ever had a problem with my underbite. I've certainly never had complaints about my abilities.

    Trust me, don't place any importance on what the people you go to school with say about your appearance. In about 4 years or so, you won't have to see many of those people ever again, unless you go to your reunions after you graduate. I haven't been to any of my reunions because I simply can't be bothered to try to relive the past. I've moved on. You can do the same.

  • You don't need surgery to make you prettier, that's not real confidence. You should learn not to care what people say and think about you or just take it as a joke. Stop being so sensitive about what people say to you I mean those aren't really insults to sulk over. Just be yourself, I know it's the hardest thing in the world to do sometimes, but the hardest things are always worth it in the end!

    Good luck!

  • :) the golden answer s what do you think? it doesnt matter what they think because its all opinion, besides you dont have to be beutiful to be someone in life, my advice to you is to tell everyone that calls you names to **** off, and go to school get good grades, go to college and get your degree and show it off to all those people who made fun of you

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