Where can I get some high-quality chocolate near Bloor/Yonge?

In the general area of Bloor and Yonge (within walking distance), where is the best place to get some high-quality chocolate? I don't mean Lindt, while I like it, it's getting old. Is there any other place that makes their own chocolate I could go to? Kind of like Rocky Mountain but I don't want to go to the Eaton Centre. Is there any other place like that? Thanks!


  • Teuscher Chocolates Of Switzerland‎ and,

    Simone Marie Belgian Chocolate

    Though, knowing the area, those two places are pricey. There's also Laura Secord and Godiva in the Eaton Centre.

  • The Bay sells all sorts of high end chocolate at this time of year and it is right at Yonge & Bloor.

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