wt is the best time to buy furniture in Singapore?

I would like to buy some furniture? Do you know what is the best time for to buy furniture in Singapore?


pls reply me.


  • The best time to buy furniture is around every holiday of the year or significant events like Back to School (for college students) or tax time.

    I hardly buy furniture new. There is such a high mark up that I do not think it's worth going into debt for furniture. Although it looks nice and you get instant gratification, you may regret it after you get your bill if you opted for 0% financing and 6 months no payments.

    But it doesn't sound like you need a whole set of furniture. If you can, look for some local auctions in your area or craigslist. You most often will find some great deals on the select pieces of furnishings that you are looking for. The downside is that you will not have a large selection because what is at auction is all there is.

    Sometimes at these auctions there are rent to own places selling their repossesed or old inventory furniture.

    -Use local auctions (you can bid - set your own price)

    -Look in the local classifieds (you can barter - set your own price)

    -Wait til the holidays or significant event that is celebrated to find discount deals

  • Other than the major sales, you can also buy during Chinese 7th month. The renovation/ furniture industry slows down so you can get better deals.

  • You can different online furniture shops in singapore such as




    these online shops can buy 24 hour any time thanks

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