Was Jesus smarter than a 5th grader?

In Mark 11:12-14 we see a hungry savior try to pick some fruit from a fig tree out of season. Christ only finds leaves and goes ballistic. He then proceeds to cuss out the tree and tells the tree that no one will ever eat its fruit again.

5th grade Children are aware that a tree produces fruit seasonally. Jesus appears to have no clue about this fact.


  • His followers damn sure aren`t.

  • It certainly suits the atheist to come up with that scenario doesn't it?

    In fact, "the season that was not yet" was the harvest. Meaning, Jesus had every right to think that figs were going to be on that tree.

    If Jesus had merely "gone ballistic" in cursing the tree, it would not have been anymore than alot of hollering.

    Anger shuts off the circuit that controls the power flow.

    And, Jesus that day when they noticed the dead tree after 12 hours had passed, taught on the use of faith to move a mountain.

    He didn't tell them, "Fellas, all it takes is strong lungs and lots of swearing."

    By the way, the Biblical definition of a curse is : to be unfruitful. As in Genesis when it says that God blessed Adam and Eve, the next words said : be fruitful.

  • Hi Ms. Jones,

    This is my theory concerning this story. The last sentence reads, "And His disciples heard it."

    I believe his disciples remembered what Jesus had prophesied regarding this particular fruit tree. It WAS the season for fig trees because it tells us so in that paragraph. I believe the disciples passed that very same tree in future years and remembered Jesus' words. If all the rest of the fig trees flourished with fruit, but that one lone tree didn't, it would be just one more reminder of Jesus' power here on earth.

    It makes me think of some tv shows that don't run in sequence, or maybe they go off the air leaving several story lines hanging in the air. You feel frustrated. "Well, what ever happened to so and so? Did so and so have their baby? The story of the figs is sort of like that. There isn't any answer, but you have to think of what you know of Jesus, and what would likely happen in the future. You have to come up with the answer yourself.

    I would never say about the God/man who made the earth that he didn't understand something as simple as the life cycle of a fig tree.

  • Fig trees get two crops a year. Some only get either the early or the late crop. He probably went to the wrong variety.

  • We see that apparently you have no clue, it was a lesson , the parable of the fig tree. I don't have time to explain, if ya read the whole story, you should have also noticed that the tree died, overnight. Can you do that?

  • It is only a story. It is thought the tree was a symbol of the Temple, so in cussing the tree, Jesus was actually cussing the Temple.

  • The bible has been corrupted, God's message has been updated by God in the Quran.

  • considering he created the whole universe im pretty sure he is smarter than a fifth grader

  • Quran iZ better

  • You've brightened my day.

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