how do you get rid of parvo if my dog has it?

she is bleeding from the butt and she foeming from the mouth


  • Almost impossible to get rid of it. IF you have it....don't get another puppy for at least ayr, and be sure the puppy has all it's shots before you bring him there, still that's not a guarantee he won't get it also.

  • She's going to need to be hospitalized at the vet. From what I understand, survival is about 50/50. She's going to need lots of supportive care like fluids, etc. This is why getting the vaccination is so important, but dogs do always have a vulnerable period in between when they lose their maternal immunity and their own natural immunity from the vaccinations kicks in. It's important to keep them away from other possibly infected dogs around that time.

    Whatever you do, don't go around other dogs. And clean up everything. The virus that gets on your floor, carpet, clothing, etc. is extremely hard to kill and can still infect other dogs for quite a while. Any time I'm around a dog that has parvo, for example, I have to bleach everything that I am wearing.

  • You have to act fast. Because if it is parvo, you have only have days to act. Take her to the vet immediatly. Only then they can diagnose her and her illness properly. If she does have parvo, there gunna want to keep her for days till she gets better, BUT thats really Costly and its not even guranteed. When my minature dachshund puppy had parvo, and i didnt have money to hospitalize him, i stayed by his side and forced fed him lots of water and dog food, even when they throw it up, i kept trying and didnt give up. I used rice water and kids pediasure to keep him hydrated. I kept him living till i found him some medicine. Look for a pet warehouse that sells "Parv-Aide". Its medicine that you put in there water. It comes with a lil medicine dropper. Its around 20 to 40 dollars. Dont bother asking the vetinarians, they'll tell you theres no other way but there way. Most of them jst care about money. So keep him hydrated, feed him little scraps of food if she lets herself. Dont give up on her. She cant take care of herself so she needs your help. My dog went thru the same thing, but i didnt give up on him, to this day i named him Lucky. So i wish you the best luck to you and your puppy. Hope she pulls through!

  • I agree with Brian. Dont give up. Have hope. Just Google "Parvaid" and there should be lots of links to places that sell it and where you can find it. Do it. Hope your doggy gets better!

  • take to vet and let them keep to treat is only way i know

    ask how to clean house and yard

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