Why are Christians not allowed to lean on their own understanding?

Why should they replace reason with faith-based fear&trembling?Or is this just a "playing dumb catchall" when they are youencountered with arguments which can't be reconciled with reason? Were teh founders of the religion afraid that logical thinking would be a detriment to Christianity?


  • YES...logical thought will erode faith. That's why people are encouraged to NOT use reason, and only accept what they've been told.

  • Friend, I learn ALL my understanding down on my knees, & not in a semenary, Or is it called a Cemetary , I don't argue with people, Because I was once in theirshoes, But now after 36 yrs. of serving God, I don't need any education only from God. He has all the answers.

  • This is what faith is all about.The passage that you are describing in found in the book of proverbs,specifically chapter 3 and verse 5. however as to not take the verse out of context,you should read the whole chapter--then it will become clear.

    We are to use our minds but not to the exclusion of God's guidance.

  • I don't understand why you are convinced that people who believe in God are uneducated idiots???????????????

    That is ridiculous. The fact is people who claim to be atheist are the ones who only get one side of the story.

    People I know that are Christians are educated men and women. Professional people with college education and designations after their names.

    I'll bet I know more about Darwinism then most atheist! And I'll bet I have more education then most atheist! And I'll bet I have spent more time studying the concept of evolution then most atheist!

    How about you, have you taken time to study ALL the facts before making your decision????? If you did you would clearly know that very successful and educated people are Christians. In the USA 90% of our 300 million people believe in God.

    Are you trying to say that they are ALL a bunch if idiots??? Your the one who is among the minority!!!!

  • Actually using reason is blessed by God. The problem is, many ppl deny God and try to explain things without Him. This doesn't work well bc ppl are fallen, and bc of our sinful state, our thinking has become twisted by our sin, and so we can easily arrive at error. This means we need to rely on God for understanding bc He is perfect, and He can tell us truth, whereas ppl can misunderstand things and twist truth with our own feelings.

  • Perhaps because in order to fully understand the absolute truth one must first possess wisdom, something the world doesn't have. Lacking wisdom, the word of God is all one really needs to stop worrying about the plight of the world and carry on with their life.

  • You have just made the perfect answer to your own question.

    Which makes no sense, since you leaned on what you claim is your own understanding of God and Faith.

    That is exactly why we are not to rely on our own "interpretation" of God's word.

    JUST do what he says through Faith in him....You have to trust God completely.

    Hebrews 11:1 Hebrews 11:6

  • Why would we want to?

    God knows all and understands all and is wiser than all- and He works things together for His glory and the good of those who love Him- I would MUCH rather lean on His understanding than man's. God is right. Man.....not so much.

  • "... logical thinking [is] a detriment to Christianity?"

    You got that right.! Tell it like it is. Well done.

    (((( r u randy? ))))


  • Because people are fallible.

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