Do you think a more energy efficient America a stronger America in the long run?

America's energy consumption per capita is almost double other industrial countries in Europe and rest of the world. Do you think we have given enough emphasis on reducing energy consumption per capita and educate people the benefit of it?


  • Sorry but nature has already that by recycling fossil fuels. The plants capture the sun's energy and turns it into oil. Much like the water recycling. Then the plants recycle our CO2 into O2.

  • YES! But, It will take some work on everyones part.

    I think that switching over ultimately will be of great cost to everyone and a new way of doing things. Most people don't welcome changes to their routines. I think that's why we don't have more people doing it now by choice.

    Just like the t.v. signals turning digital and the government doing a program where they will give people a certificate to help them with the cost of a converter box-so it should be with a device possibly in the future that can covert your car from gasoline dependence to another form such as ethanol or electric part time.

    There can also be laws that are introduced that force people to do things like recycling or they will be fined, to start, then ultimately leans placed on their home. When it comes to cars they can't be insured/pass inspection or loss of driving privileges if they don't follow the law. Things can be done but our government needs to provide people a way first to understand and be given the tools it needs to run and be more energy efficient.

    I think it can happen- it will take time and a deadline some may need some help just like they did for the converter boxes and switching to digital t.v.

    Thanks for the question! It sure has made me think!

  • I think we have begun to make it a priority, more people are finding they can have a comfortable life without so much waste. I see stories often about groups of people who have taken challenges to see how much energy they can conserve.

    Yes, I think the more energy, food, and manufacturing we can get from our own work force and land the stronger we are. You would think we had learned our lesson in the 70's about how vulnerable we are when relying on the middle east for a large portion of our fuel. I remember how scary the gas lines were, how disruptive to our lives and how our government promised change and oil Independence, now 30 years later, we are using dramatically more foreign oil. And now instead of the cold war, we are fighting in the middle east.

  • I proudly put out my (3) 30 gallon and 2 regular box recycling bins this morning. And my one measly half filled trash bag

    I looked up and down the street to sadly see only a handleful of recycling bins

    People are just TOO lazy to take a stance

    those CFL bulbs are twice even three times the price of regular bulbs...and people are too CHEAP to buy them. Or broke!

    And it's way cheaper to buy a used car then a new Hybrid anyday.

    So - even thought I do my part, I don't feel that most people can and will.

  • actually a more energy efficiant america is exactly what we need because our country at the moment is trillions of dollars in debt to the chineese government and some of the middle eastern governments too.

    so yes i do think that a more energy efficiant america will be the best for everyone.

  • Our dependence on foreign oil is the greatest national security issue the US has. A war in the Middle East, or collapse of the Venezuelan or Mexican government, could turn our transportation and economy upside down. Unfortunately, in the short term, fixing that is too socially and economically painful, so nothing gets done.


  • Most definitely. Our dependence on petroleum-rich countries is embarrassing. There are European countries that are decades ahead of of the US in terms of energy efficiency. The billions wasted on our present energy usage might put a dent in our deficit.

  • Americans need to wise-up quickly!

    Energy efficiency is the only way forward.

    If people need educating, then yes, let's get that started!

    Here's suitable reading material for you to recommend:

  • Well yes, because it the more money that we save using safer products, we save the environment, we save money, and maybe the government might actually be able to pay off our nations debt!

  • I think we need more education on the three R's. Itry to do my part

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