Why are people so down on Live Earth?

I've heard lots of complainers about it. The fact that Al Gore is promoting it, the fact that the musicians themselves aren't truly green if they use jets and limos, that it's more of a waste to make the concerts live than anything.

I'm no fan of Al Gore of course. I thought the muscians were trying to be green themselves. Just because your mode of transportation isn't green, doesn't mean you're not green. People use jets all the time, and musicians can't? I also thought they were using hybrids and that stuff. All concerts take up lots of energy. At least Live Earth made it green, by promoting efficient lighting, recycling bins (heavily enforced), and lots of greening up the venues.

People also complain that people are just in it for the acts. At least Live Earth is also trying to promote a message throughout the event. It's going to take time for everybody to be more green, and a little (or big) helps. They gave tons of tips on how to be green easily. Any opinions on this?


  • People are down on Live Earth for stupid reasons. The show was very environmentally efficient for a rock concert, and the intent was a good one. People should be down on Live Earth not for the message, but because it was booooooring. The entire environmental content could have been fit into a 10 minute info-mercial. The rest of the 3 hours was lame, watered down, MTV esque over marketing and dreary emotionless performances by "popular" musicians.

    I think they really dropped the ball on what could have been a great opportunity, at least in regards to the televised aspect. For all I know, the live shows could have been awesome.

  • Most of the complaints about Live Earth are simply based on ignorance and are totally unjustified. The concert had a very good green policy, which you can view here:


    For example:

    "All electricity that powers the shows will be from renewable sources, either through utility supplied renewable energy, biodiesel generators, or renewable energy credits."

    "Live Earth staff and artist air travel will be offset through carbon credits. Ground travel will be hybrid or high-efficiency vehicles, where possible."

    That takes care of the 2 main complaints right there. Certainly most of the people watching the show were watching for the music and not for environmental reasons, but that was the whole point! Making people aware of the climate crisis! If you're already aware of it, then you're not the target audience.

    Overall I think they did a pretty good job. The music was okay and the environmental messages were interspersed pretty well throughout. I wish there had been more information about global climate change, but at least it made many people aware of the issue, which was the whole point.

  • The reason that so many people are down on Live Earth is that the big oil companies and other enemies of sensible global warming regulations see Live Earth as a threat to themselves. The case for higher auto efficiency standards and for limiting CO2 in other ways is unanswerable; therefore, they decided to attack the messengers. Note that this attack is logically irrelevant; the case for higher CAFE standards is the same however much carbon dioxide the musicians are generating. Technically, this is the tu quoque fallacy. (tu quoque = you're another).

    I call it the anti-environmental noise machine at work. To some extent, it is identical with the Republican noise machine. Too bad that the message has achieved some traction.

  • Most people think Live Earth was fine--though at least in the US, it didn't generate as much public enthusiasm as I think the sponsors hoped for.

    What you are seeing s a tiny--though admittedly vocal--group who criticize anything and everything they think of as "liberal"--meaning not part of the right-wing agenda.

    Ignore them. Most are simply saying what they think is "cool"--and haven't yet figured out the American people aren't buying the fake "conservatism" of the neocons any longer (and don't know real conservatives have always supported taking care of the environment). When these yo-yos realize everyone is laughing at them, they'll change their tune and start running around pretending to be liberal!

  • If Al Gore is involved, some people will always find some way to bash it.

    If it is an environmental issue, some people will always find some reason to bash it.

    Some people do not like to be told that their habits are bad, so they will always seek a way to bash the person that tells them, rather than think about it and say..."hmmm you may have a point." It is easier for the lazy-minded, just to deny and consider them enemies.

  • How many gallons of gas did people burn to get to these concerts? This could have been broadcast on TV and the Internet.

  • no, i have work in the morning to pay for food, shelter and my high electric bill.

  • If you really research global warming you will find it is all a big scam.

    Only dumb people that believe every thing without researching any thing would fall for this

    This is not the first time the treehuggers have tried this they have been pulling this type of bull for years. spotted owls.

    There is always a number of people that always fall for things like this. UFOs, jackalopes,

    As P. T. BARNUM said there is a sucker born every minute.

    There is one thing the leaders of the Eco groups are in it for MONEY.

    The scams to stop logging were to shut down logging mill towns. guess who showed up to buy the houses of the out of work mill workers.

    Global warming is the same just check this site.



    If you wonder how i know all this. I worked as a undercover investigator to bust members of Earth First.

    That meant going to a lot of eco group meeting.

  • And these tips weren't available to you before? Or you just didn't think they were hip until the Black Eyed Peas said so?

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